You see, Tom had made a mistake with calculating his wages, and a Labour Inspectorate from MBIE was on his case. Tom knew that he had to make things right - he had made a genuine mistake - but he didn’t know the first thing about figuring out the short payments and which of his employees were affected.
We dealt with the Labour Inspectorate for him, made all the calculations, and helped him sort out which staff members needed payments. The process was much smoother for Tom, knowing that the calculations would be correct, and that he didn’t need to deal with MBIE.
We believe in learn-by-doing, so we offer interactive projects that teach you how to design and collaborate with your peers.
Our approach is hands-on and fun in each cohort, and we have a 100% completion rate with 5/5 reviews from all of our alumni.
You'll get step-by-step instructions from start to finish, and you can ask questions and get feedback from our community of designers.
You’ll be able to work on projects that matter to you and see your skills improve every step of the way. You don’t need prior experience.